Here's some of the recognition my work has received and many of the places I've shown in recent years.
Awards, Exhibitions, and Galleries
Here's some of the recognition my work has received and many of the places I've shown in recent years.
Professional Awards Include
Communication Arts Award - Photographic Series
Julia Margaret Cameron Award 2021
HM IPA 2021 Fine Art: Abstract
HM IPA 2020 Fine Art: Abstract
Tokyo International Foto Awards 2019 Fine Art: Abstract
HM IPA 2019 Fine Art: Nature
HM IPA 2018 Fine Art: Abstract
HM IPA 2017 Fine Art: Abstract
HM IPA 2015 Nature: Aerial
ASMP Best of 2015:
HM IPA 2013 Fine Art: Nature; HM IPA 2013 Fine Art: Abstract
HM IPA 2012 Editorial:Environment
HM IPA 2012 Editorial:Environment; HM Fine Art: Landscape
HM IPA 2011 One Shot: The City
Kenneth Ryan Visual Arts Award 2011
HM IPA 2009 Nature: Other; HM IPA 2009 Fine Art: Other
Selective Representation
Cynthia Byrnes Contempory Art (2010-present)
New York, NY
Afterimage Gallery (2016-2018)
Dallas, Tx
Waxlander Gallery (2010-2011)
Canyon Rd.
Santa Fe, NM
2024 (scheduled)
Antarctica – a Snow Desert (two-person exhibition), Porter Hall Gallery, Tucson Botanical Gardens
Subject to Change (solo exhibition), Cynthia Byrnes Contemporary Art
Nine Conversations (nine artists), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
FotoNostrum Gallery (juried group exhibition), Barcelona, Spain
Black and White (juried group exhibition, Ann Jastrab, juror) A Smith Gallery, TX
Intimate Details (solo exhibition), Southern Arizona Arts Council
All Art Arizona (juried group exhibition), Art Intersection Gallery, Gilbert, AZ
Once Upon a Time (juried group exhibition, Paula Tognarelli, juror) Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Color Theory (juried group exhibition, Crista Dix, juror) Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Members Show (juried group exhibition, Crista Dix, juror) Center for Photographic Arts, Carmel CA
FotoNostrum Gallery (juried group exhibition), Barcelona, Spain
Shootapalooza (group exhibition),Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Animalia (juried group exhibition, Henry Horenstein, juror) A Smith Gallery, Tx
Story (juried group exhibition, Kevin Tully, juror) A Smith Gallery, TX
Envisioning Solitude (solo exhibition), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston, MA
India: Land of Mystery (two-person exhibition), Porter Hall Gallery, Tucson Botanical Gardens
Open call (juried group exhibition, Paula Tognarelli, juror) Davis Orton Gallery, NY
Members Show (juried group exhibition, Arnika Dawkins) Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Splash (juried group exhibition, Paula Tognarelli, juror) Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Botanicals (juried group exhibition, Wendi Schneider, juror) A Smith Gallery, Tx
Open call (juried group exhibition, Crista Dix, juror) A Smith Gallery, Tx
All Art Arizona (juried group exhibition), Art Intersection Gallery, Gilbert, AZ
Envisioning Solitude (solo exhibition), A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, TX
International Juried Exhibition (juried group exhibition, Aline Smithson, juror), Center for Photographic Arts, Carmel, CA
Small Things (juried group exhibition), Art Intersection Gallery, Gilbert, AZ
All Art Arizona (juried group exhibition), Art Intersection Gallery, Gilbert, AZ
Winter Solstice Members Show (Paula Tongarelli, director),Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Trees (juried group exhibition, Kevin Tully, juror) ASmith Gallery, Tx
Alternative Paths in Contemporary Photography (juried group exhibition), Wichita Falls Museum of Art, Wichita Falls, Tx
Small Things (juried group exhibition), Art Intersection Gallery, Gilbert, AZ
All Art Arizona (juried group exhibition), Art Intersection Gallery, Gilbert, AZ
In The Mother Tongue (Paula Tongarelli, director), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Witness (Paula Tongarelli, director), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Winter Solstice Members Show (Paula Tongarelli, director), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Shootapalooza (group exhibition), ASmith Gallery, Tx
Abstraction (Paula Tongarelli, director), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Portraits (Paula Tongarelli, director), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Forgotten (Blue Mitchell, juror), ASmith Gallery, Tx
Fishing for Iconography II (juried group exhibition), A Smith Gallery, Tx
Open Call (juried group exhibition), Davis Orton Gallery, NY
Vistas (juried group exhibition), A Smith Gallery, Tx
Aviary (juried group exhibition), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Trees (juried group exhibition), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
A Hope, Prayer and a Dream (juried group exhibition), Public art space, Houston, Tx
Flight (juried group exhibition), PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT
All Art Arizona (juried group exhibition), Art Intersection Gallery, Gilbert, AZ
Imagined Realities (juried group exhibition), PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT
What is Nature? (curatorial staff), Tilt Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ
Space (Paula Tongarelli, director), Griffin Museum of Photography, Boston MA
Summer Solitice Wheat Pasting, Cadillac Ranch, TX
Dreams of Flight (solo exhibition), Porter Hall, Tucson Botanical Gardens
Blood Moon, Your Daily Photograph, Duncan Miller Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Blue, Your Daily Photograph, Duncan Miller Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Still Life (juried group exhibition), The Center For Fine Art Photography, Co
Fishing for Iconography (juried group exhibition), A Smith Gallery, TX
Shootapalooza Alumni Exhibition, A Smith Gallery, TX
All Art Arizona (juried group exhibition), Art Intersection Gallery, Gilbert, AZ
Golden Hour (juried group exhibition), PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT
Water (juried group exhibition), A Smith Gallery, TX
Blue (juried group exhibition), A Smith Gallery, TX
Treasures (juried group exhibition), A Smith Gallery, TX